Welcome to CA$H KICK$TARTER!

14 Days of Pre-Recorded Tapping Videos to change your perception and energy towards money, so you can attract more abundance into your life, permanently!

These tappings aren't just about calling money in; they're about feeling good about money and feeling safe with money. There's no point calling more money in if you have underlying worries that it's going to be taken away soon.

We're here to shift energy that's in the way of your abundance in the body, mind and energetic field.

Will you notice more money flowing into your life, easily after these 14 days? Absolutely! But, CA$H KICK$TARTER is about making a difference to how you view and feel about money, permanently. After this, you may notice you start to make healthier money decisions for yourself, you might not be feeling quite as nervous to learn about money (we were never really taught, right?!), you may realise you enjoy money and you'll feel lighter about money!

A new tapping will be made available to you every day for 14 days. Once these 14 days are completed, you will have access to all of these recordings to repeat this program as much as you'd like. You can always come back to your favourites.

(All prices in AUD)

What is included?

  • 14 pre-recorded tapping videos with English subtitles available.
  • BONUS additional tapping video.
  • Kundalini for abundance flow.
  • Breathwork recording by a special guest practitioner.

What you may experience

  • Calling in more money!
  • Positive money mindset shifts.
  • The ability to expand your financial horizon.
  • Reduction in shame and worry surrounding money.
  • Feeling more confident to make better financial decisions.
  • Feeling more able to hold money.
  • Untangling your worth from money.
  • Feeling free to make decisions that aren’t based solely on money.
  • The ability to look at your bank accounts with joy.

What is Tapping?

Tapping, or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) stimulates the body's acupressure (meridian) points to create a sense of calm and balance of your energy. EFT with Angel combines physical tapping on the body with verbalisation of an issue, which lowers the stress response in the body and has a positive effect on the amygdala in the brain (the centre for the input and processing of emotion). Together, we will tap on different points of the face and body to release the imprint of that issue from your energy.

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